Stuart Lynch (AU/DK)

Stuart Lynch Works for Live Art Danmark2011 Performance at Samtalekøkken2013 “Lynch Concert” at Hitparaden 1 Performance at SamtalekøkkenFor one of our Samtalekøkken events in 2011, Stuart performed a monologue piece, in which he impersonates a Texan minister, the devil, and baby Jesus, at times several of them at once. Lynch ConcertStuart brought his “Lynch Concert” to our first Hitparaden festival. In this virtuoso showcase, he amazes his audience by demonstrating some incredible things that can be done with the human voice. In earlier collaborations with the makers of Live Art Denmark, Stuart Lynch took part in the celebration of Antonin Artaud in 1995 and the performance program “Looking for Johnny” […]

Sian Robinson Davies (UK)

Siân Robinson Davies Works for Live Art Danmark2011 “Expectations” at Samtalekøkken2014 DIVA residency, Stand Up performances ExpectationsWe’re going to start with some assumptions,because that’s where we always start.However, we will try to get further,even if all we end up with is lies and nonsense.At Samtalekøkkenet in November 2011, Siân presented “Expectations”. Dressed as a clown, she asked the audience about their expectations of “performance art” in general, and her performance in particular, and then proceeded to try to fulfill them. The performance was reviewed in the renowned Danish newspaper Politiken by Henrik Vesterberg. The review “Free salon offers soup and wood snail porn” can be found here.  Stand Up PerformancesIn […]

Robin Deacon (UK/US)

Robin Deacon Works for Live Art Danmark 2011 “The Argument against the Body” at Samtalekøkken 2014 “White Balance: A History of Video” and “Spectacle: A Portrait of Stuart Sherman” at Hitparaden 2 The Argument against the Body Robin Deacon performed “The Argument against the Body” at Samtalekøkken in Warehouse 9 in February 2011. It was a complex meditation on the ancient mind-body dualism, one of the oldest and utterly unsolvable philosophical conundrums: What am I, my mind or my body? Robin applied the question to the relationship between performer and audience. An entertaining and very smart lecture performance, the video of which can only be seen at Youtube, because there […]

Peter Holmgaard (DK)

Peter Holmgård Works for Live Art Danmark 2006 Performance on the Stubnitz 2014 “Den Psykoseje Skattejagd” at Live Art for Børn 1 2014 “Spektaklet i Studiestræde” at Hitparaden 2 Performance In 2006, Live Art Danmark organised a performance art club with music and live art on board the motorship Stubnitz, then moored in Copenhagen. The program was called “Looking for Johnny”, and Peter participated in it with a live performance. Den Psykoseje Skattejagd During our first Live Art for Kids festival, Peter took a group of children and their grown ups on a treasure hunt through the small back rooms and scary dark corridors of Nikolaj Konsthal. Hidden along the […]

Peter Lind (DK)

Peter Lind Works with Live Art Danmark 2013 Performance photography and exhibition at Hitparaden 1 2014 Performance photography at Hitparaden 2 2015 Performance photography at Kulstof 15 Performance Photography We worked with Peter as our resident photographer at both Hitparaden festivals and Kulstof 15. You will find many of his pictures throughout these artist’s pages and other sections of this website. At the first Hitparade he exhibited pictures taken in the framework of his work “When everything is over ….” About the Artist Peter is a photographer and visual artist based in Copenhagen. His work is based on documentary observations, and stands at the crossroads of conceptual photography, installation and […]

Valerie Kuehne (US)

Valerie Kuehne Work for Live Art Denmark 2013 Concert-Performance for Hitparaden 1 Concert-Performance It is not easy to describe the work of Valerie Kuehne. Just go to Youtube, go to full screen and enjoy the ride. This furios performance begins with the description of the Gravitron, a scary carnival ride, and continues with a song about the same ride, which in turn begins with a recreation of what one must feel like taking the ride, performed on the cello. All this happens in the first 3 1/2 minutes of her show, and it gets ever wilder after that. About the Artist Valerie is a cross-pollinated work of chaos. Fusing together […]

Olof Olsson (S/DK)

Olof Olsson Works for Live Art Danmark 2012 “The History of Disco” at Samtalekøkken 2013 “Driving the Blues Away” at Hitparaden 1 2014 “1864/1946” for Now and Again 2015 “Driving the Blues Away” at Kulstof 15 The History of Disco After playing music for about half an hour, placing an order of drinks (black coffee and Club Mate) through an audience member, chatting with that audience member for a while, as well as digressions about travelling, psychoanalysis and Venezolean bank machine frauds, Olof begins his performance lecture at around minute 52. He begins it not by talking about Disco, but by talking about the Swing Kids, an oppositional movement of […]

Mette Kit Jensen (DK)

Mette Kit Jensen Work for Live Art Danmark 2013 “Fortællinger fra lukkede rum” at Hitparaden 1 Fortællinger fra lukkede rum At our first Hitparaden festival, Mette performed the performance lecture that can be seen in the video below, in Danish. One point of reference for the work is the German 19th century writer Karl May, famous for writing numerous adventure stories set in the Wild West and other colonised regions of the world. But she also took the audience into the rather bizarre world of the Native American reenactment camps that existed in the GDR. These, she claimed, were so popular because spending time there was mostly an excuse for […]

Melanie Jame Wolf (AU)

Melanie Jame Wolf Work for Live Art Danmark 2013 “This Time You’re Winning” at Hitparaden 1 This Time You’re Winning In her performance “This Time You’re Winning”, Melanie Jame offered multiple audiences of one spectator each an opportunity to say what they had always wanted to say, but hadn’t. She elaborated: “You may have been carrying these words from an old argument, or a recent embarrassment. Perhaps they are for a lover, new or remembered. Or perhaps they are for a nemesis or a friend. Perhaps it happened yesterday. Or perhaps these words have been traveling restlessly beside you for many years or sleepless nights.” This Time You’re Winning offered […]

Mark Harvey (NZ)

Mark Harvey Works with Live Art Danmark 2012 “Home Renovation” at Salon Saloon 2014 “Welcome Stop” and “Forward and Back” at Hitparaden 2 2016 “Entrance Party” and “Pssst” (with Leena Kela) at Live Art for Børn Home Renovation Salon Saloon was a series of performance events we organised at our home in the Vestrerbro district of Copenhagen. Mark’s first performance for Live Art Denmark was a site specific series of endurance based performative actions, marking a path through our apartment, all in close proximity to the audience. His entrance was especially memorable, when, lying on his stomach, he used a pair of toilet plungers to pull himself through the different […]