Open Source Food Work for Live Art Danmark 2011 Presentation of the group’s work and dinner at Samtalekøkken Group Presentation What better guests for our series of performance events Samtalekøkken than Open Source Food, who – like us in our performance community building project – combine art, social engagement and excellent cooking in their work. In April 2011, members of the group presented their practices including foraging and political activism, and they served a delicious meal to the audience. About the Artists Open Source Food was initiated by André Amtoft (DK/US) and Arendse Krabbe (DK/FR) in 2010. Both work within various collaborative and interdisciplinary constellations. They engage a wide variety […]
Olof Olsson Works for Live Art Danmark 2012 “The History of Disco” at Samtalekøkken 2013 “Driving the Blues Away” at Hitparaden 1 2014 “1864/1946” for Now and Again 2015 “Driving the Blues Away” at Kulstof 15 The History of Disco After playing music for about half an hour, placing an order of drinks (black coffee and Club Mate) through an audience member, chatting with that audience member for a while, as well as digressions about travelling, psychoanalysis and Venezolean bank machine frauds, Olof begins his performance lecture at around minute 52. He begins it not by talking about Disco, but by talking about the Swing Kids, an oppositional movement of […]
Nielsen Works at Live Art Danmark 2010: Live Review of Nielsen’s “Funus Imaginarium” by Trine Ross at Samtalekøkken 2012: Panelist on Live Reviewing at Samtalekøkken Funus Imaginarium At Samtalekøkken in November 2010, critic Trine Ross from the Danish daily newspaper Politiken gave a live review of “Funus Imaginarium”. In this happening by “Das Beckwerk”, one of Nielsen’s former artistic incarnations, the human being, state citizen and artist Claus Beck-Nielsen was declared dead and buried. “Das Beckwerk“ ceased to exist a few months later after 100 days of mourning. Exactly one year later, on the 17th of January 2012, the artist was resurrected and christened “Nielsen” in the former church, Nikolaj […]
Noah Holtwiesche Works for Live Art Denmark2007 “Signifying Nothing” at Berliner Luft 32014 “Aibi/Alias” at Samtalekøkken, Inkonst Malmö Signifying NothingStanding close to his audience in a small basement room, after a lengthy introduction in which he explains the title (referring to the number zero), Noah informs the audience about his aim to establish an energy flow between them and a piece of steel, and what to do to end the performance. Noah then ceremoniously takes of his suitcoat, hangs it up, and leaves through the door behind him. Through the door he left open we see him in the next room, where he repeatedly lifts a length of steel beam […]
Molly Haslund Works for Live Art Danmark 2010 Presentation of Lone Twin Theatre at Samtalekøkken, with Gary Winters 2011 “I went into a bar” at Samtalekøkken 2015 “Spoon Ball” at Live Art for Kids 2 Lone Twin For Samtalekøkken in November 2010, Molly Haslund performed with Gary Winters from the Lone Twin performance and theatre group. While Gary gave a performance lecture about the beginnings and work of Lone Twin, Molly provided soundtracks to some video examples on her Ukulele. She also was a member of Lone Twin Theatre, and in the second part of the presentation, she and Gary gave an example of what their first piece looked like […]
Mathias Kryger Work for Live Art Danmark 2011 Duo performance with Sophie Dupont at Samtalekøkken Duo Performance The piece Mathias Kryger performed with Sophie Dupont at Samtalekøkken was developed in a collective process. Together they created costumes from found and cheaply bought materials and invented a series of physical situations that contained elements reminiscent of dance performances from early Avantgarde and Dada, contemporary dance and theatre. Donning red wigs that obscure their faces, the duo move silently in the sparse light of a video projection that shows the same sequence of historical film material again and again: a female knife thrower performs, placing her knives precariously close to the body […]
Marcus Coates Work at Live Art Danmark 2011 Video Works at Samtalekøkken Video Works At Samtalekøkken in December 2011, we presented a selection of Marcus’ video works until 2010. Long before it became a general trend in academia as well as across the visual and performing arts, Marcus has worked with the ideas of being or becoming an animal, or what today would be called human-animal or human-non-human-animal relations. About the Artist Marcus, who was born in London in 1968, is well-known for his video works, which record the artist making shamanistic performances. These events tend to take place in municipal spaces such as offices or council housing buildings, and […]
Lone Twin Work for Live Art Danmark 2010 Performance Lecture for Samtalekøkken, with Molly Haslund 2019 “Beastie” at Live Art for Børn 6 and Performance Recipies at Copenhagen Contemporary Performance Lecture In November 2010, Gary Winters , one half of the Lone Twin performance duo, at the time in transition from performance art to theatre makers, came to Copenhagen to present their work at Samtalekøkken. With the support of Molly Haslund, who was a performer in Lone Twin Theatre, he talked about how he and his partner Gregg Whelan met as art students, their collaboration as artists, illustrated by videos and slides of their work. Molly played the Ukulele to […]
Line Skywalker Karlström Works for Live Art Danmark 2011 “(leaving) Nest” at Samtalekøkken 2014 “Kroppen der stak af” at Live art for Børn 1 2015 “Finding the Lesbian Leak at the Louvre” at Kulstof 15 (leaving) Nest This performance by Line Skywalkerm, presented at Samtalekøkkenet in December 2011, was a new durational work, created for the occasion and running for three hours. We participate in a poetic, physical, semi-improvised ritual that moves between different installations, groups of materials and nests, in the large open space of Carlsberg Hall. The work is based on the size and character of the room, animals, nature, and materials. (Leaving) Nest is performed as a […]
Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen Works for Live Art Danmark 2010 “Artist’s Song” and “Manifesto” for Samtalekøkken 2013 Live Review of “Gaia” at Samtalekøkken/Wundergrund festival 2014 “Skin Stripping” for Now and Again 2017 “Mikado” at Live Art for Børn at S/H, Copenhagen Artist’s Song/Manifesto For Samtalekøkken, October 2010, she performed “Artists Song” and “Manifesto”. Set to enticing music and situated in the sparse light of a video projection of flashing white, neon-like lines, that move, join, and separate, Lilibeth speak-sings her thoughts about how to enter art history while questioning whether the artists already inscribed in it are important reference points. Gaia – Live Review Lilibeth’s series of site specific performances titled […]