DJ Hvad Works for Live Art Danmark 2015 DJ Set at Kulstof 15 festival DJ Set DJ Hvad played a furious set at Kulstof 15, our performance art festival at Teater Nordkraft in Aalborg. The gig, which included flashing psychodelic projections and a chain saw, is partly documented in the video below. About the Artist DJ Hvad is an alias used by Danish musician Hari Shankar Kishore AKA Kid Kishore/Albertslund Terror Korps. Hvad translates into English “what”, a word DJ Hvad often speaks and uses in his music. He is based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Apart from been the owner of the notorious Danish label Syg Nok records, he has also […]
Wen Lee Works for Live Art Denmark 2015 Solo performance “Freedom, Service and Hope” and group performance with Black Market International at Kulstof 15, Aalborg Freedom, Service and Hope In his spoken word performance, Singaporian performance legend Wen Lee gives a touching account of some events from his rich and long career. He begins what would become one of his last performances in Europe, sitting alone in a chair in an empty space . With his cane in hand, dressed in dark colors except for a bright red scarf that hangs haphazardly from his narrow shoulders, a sleep mask half covering his eyes, he simply speaks to the audience in a […]
Marco Teubner Works for Live Art Danmark 2015 “Fly” and group performance with Black Market International at Kulstof 15 Fly Marco begins his performance, lying on his back on a table, presenting us with a first image of flight by moving slowly from side to side. We might believe that the infernal creaking noises we hear emanate from the table, but they continue as Marco moves to the ground, places a bag of sugar with a small hole in it on the edge of the the table, and we see the sugar running out, like the sand in an hour glass. Marco dons a pair of fragile wings on his […]
Elvira Santamaria Works for Live Art Danmark2015 “Shadow Self Portrait” and Black Market group performance at Kulstof 15. Shadow self-portraitElvira appears dressed all in black in front of a shining white screen, and with the interplay of light and darkness sets one theme for this brief performance. Elvira lights all matches from a box one after the other. The stage lights fade to black. In the darkness, she burns pieces of paper and uses their soot to blacken one side of a glass pane. Holding the piece of glass in front of her face, she produces a rough portrait of herself by drawing with her fingers in the soot. As […]
Jacques van Poppel Works with Live Art Danmark 2015 Duo performance “JVP & HVP” with Henrik Vestergaard, group performance with Black Market International at Kulstof 15 JVP & HVP The collaborative performance “JVP & HVP” brought together performance art heavyweights Jaques van Poppel and Henrik Vestergaard, Live Art Danmark organizer. Starting with a conversation through Google translate and the misunderstandings it produced, the performers let themselves be lead through a series of absurd situations. Black Market International Jaques also performed with the legendary performance association Black Market International. A movie about the festival with long excerpts from this exceptional group performance and statements from the performers can be seen here. About […]
Boris Nieslony Work for Live Art Danmark 2015 “Nature Study” and Group Performance with Black Market International at Kulstof 15, Aalborg 2023 Untitled Performance at Friisland Live. Nature Study Boris began his performance by observing a row of seven fairly large stones that previously had been installed in a line across a narrow street. He preoceeded to move the stones along the street one by one in different ways. Some were held close to his body, in the crook of his arm, others balanced on his head or on the back of the neck and upper back. Occasionally the sharp sound of a rock crashing on pavement segmented the slow, […]
Jürgen Fritz Work for Live Art Danmark 2015 “Breath, Rhythm, Guitar Tuner” and group performance with Black Market International at Kulstof 15 Breath, Rhythm, Guitar Tuner A simple set up leads to speactacular results in this performance. Jürgen, dressed in black suit and white shirt, holds a guitar tuning device in his mouth. Breathing in and out respectively produces three of the tones the six strings of a guitar are usually tuned to. Jürgen breathes in and out through the device, changing rhythms and intensity, creating a highly personal music by making the physical transformations his body goes through imediately audible to a stunned audience. Black Market International Jürgen is […]
Roi Vaara Works for Live Art Danmark 2015 “Wet Paint Handshake” and group performance with Black Market International 2021 “Grounding” as a performance recipe in “Playing up – the Nordic Expansion Pack” 2023 “Grounding” as a live performance for Life Art for Children 2023. Wet Paint Handshake At our festival Kulstof 15 Roi presented his performance “Wet Paint Handshake”. Standing in the entrance area of the venue of the festival, Nordkraft in Aalborg/Denmark, dressed in formal black suit and bow tie, he extends his right hand, offering handshakes to the audience as they arrive. Only, between handshakes, he dips his right hand into a bucket of white paint, challenging the […]
Helge Meyer Works for Live Art Denmark 2015 Group performance with Black Market International and solo performance “Home Stories 3” at Kulstof 15, Aalborg. Home Stories 3 As the last contribution to Kulstof 15, Helge performed Homestories 3, a solo performance. The audience was invited to write thoughts or wishes onto stones that were then taped onto Helge’s body. Weighted down by the rocks, Helge took the audience for a walk to the nearby harbour, where he cast the stones one by one into the water, performing a ritual of absolution. Black Market International Helge also performed with the legendary performance association Black Market International. A movie about the festival, […]
Alastair MacLennan Work with Live Art Danmark 2015 Group performance with Black Market International and solo performance “Rust a Gust” at Kulstof 15, Aalborg “Rust a Gust” As a member of the performance group “Black Market International“, Alastair participated in our performance program “Kulstof 15, The Body as Process and Image” in November 2015. He also presented an impressive solo performance, “Rust a Gust”. Outside, in the semi dark of a November night in Aalborg, he manipulated a collection of natural objects, including water, twigs, stones and strings, as well as artists materials, paper and ink on a table covered in white cloth. Simple manipulations and movement, but mostly focus […]