LIVE ART FOR KIDS 2021 took place in DOKK1 during Aarhus Festuge 2021. We presented a selection of new and older own productions and coproductions.
Nilas Dumstrei: LIFE. An art-larp.
LIFE is an art-LARP (live action role play). The LIFE-project considers how technology and the harvesting of data affects our everyday. Most homes have devices which collect data about their owners. The development of new technologies means that the tech industry finds new ways of colleting data by offering consumers new smart devices. Where is this development taking us? Will all surrounding objects one day be tech products and how will it affect our way of living?
The art-larp LIFE was created by the artist Nilas Dumstrei and presented by him and members of the Fenris Rollespilsforening, who were acting as “facers” in and around DOKK1.
Credits and thanks to: Malte Klagenberg, Laurits Nymand Svendsen, Tina Siig, Pil Nedergaard Lotze, Kirstine Godiksen and Katrine Elise Leth Nielsen.
Otmar Wagner: The Blind Gorilla.
Find the blind gorilla! He is roaming DOKK1 – in virtual reality – and can be experienced in three places through our VR glasses.
Three VR-performanceinstallations by the Austrian media-artist Otmar Wagner. Otmar Wagner lives and works in Vienna. His artistic production encompasses performancelectures, concertperformances, performative installations and audio theater.
Otmar Wagners stay and production was supported by the Austrian embassy.

50 Dangerous Things (you should let your children do)
Have you ever licked on a 9-volt battery? Lifted popcorn lid when they pop? Never ever? Then this show is for you! The show explores everything that adults usually warn their children against! And also explains what performance art is about. Our successful and acclaimed show has now played more than 150 times in Denmark.
More information about the performance here.

Virak Workshop and Revy
Our participatory Virak Revy is an entertaining live art evening that includes music, dance, actions and words. The show consists of instructions written by artists such as Yoko Ono, Marcel Duchamp and the Danish Eric Andersen, and they are combined in an individual program for each new venue.
The Virak Revy ended each day at Live Art for Kids 2021. It was preceded by a drop-in workshop every day where participants could test and develop their own work for the evening show.
More information here.

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