Live Art Denmark

What is live art?

Live Art is more a way of thinking and doing than a rigid artistic discipline. It is constantly questioning and challenging every convention, both in society and in art: How art should/can be experienced; who can create it; where and by what audience it should be encountered.

We create and present formats that reinvent the live moment where an artist meets an audience. This could be a performance, but it could also be a lecture, a film, a walk, a cocktail bar, or a game. The key is that the process has led to the presentation format.

Foto: Malle Madsen

photo: Malle Madsen

Live Art Denmark was founded in 2004. Since 2025, Live Art Denmark has the venue LIVE ART ZIINE centrally in Copenhagen with the (maga-)zine as a conceptual model, while also relating to the local scene of the Nørrebro neighborhood.

Live Art Denmark receives operational support from the Danish Art Council as well as the Municipality of Copenhagen. Since 2004, 300 artists and 20+ festivals and several hundred events have taken place, involving older as well as younger citizens actively. Their partners are municipalities, libraries, companies, art halls, cultural organisations, museums and theatres in Denmark and abroad. From 2014, they have presented the annual and international “Live Art for Children” festival.

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Board: Matthias Borello, Helene Nyborg, Camilla Sort, Bradley Allen, Thomas Martinsen, Jesper Koefoed-Melson.

Timeline since 2004: tidslinie24