Mundane Heroics
Mundane Heroics combines Live Action Role Playing, performance art and sculpture in a participatory project for young people. The project was organised by the artist Kristoffer Ørum, who has worked with LARP for more than a decade, and his co-designer Nilas Dumstrei in a collaboration with Live Art Denmark, and was supported by The Nordic Culture Point and The Nordic Culture Fund.

The project brings together a group of young role players from Sweden, Denmark and Finland to create a series of live tableaux in public space. The participants work with everyday household objects, paint, remodel and combine them to seem at once familiar and strange. These objects are picked up, worn and used as props to combine fantasy fiction with elements from their everyday lifes. By performing exaggerated and strange versions of gestures taken from the multitudes of everyday tasks performed daily, often without noticing, they become mundane heroes in a series of wordless heroic everyday tableaux in public space.
Article about the art-larp format: “More Than a Game” (Frieze)
Mundane Heroics was developed in Germany and presented in:
ANTI festival, Kuopio, Finland, 13.-15.September 2019
LIVE ART FOR CHILDREN, Nordkraft theatre, Aalborg, Denmark, 15.-16.Oktober 2019
BÄSTA BIENNALEN, Lund, Sweden. 26.Oktober (twice), 2019.
See images from the four countries here: Mundane Heroics
Mundane Heroics is supported by Statens Kunstfond, Anti Festival, Teater Nordkraft, Bästa Bienallen, Nordisk Kulturkontakt og Nordisk kulturfond