Sofie Vollquarz Lebech Work for Live Art Danmark 2013 “(In)visibility” at Samtalekøkken (In)visibility We invited Sofie to perform at our Samtalekøkken at Kunsthal Nikolaj. Her investigation of (in)visibility began with her sitting for a long while at a table in front of a laptop, her face and body obscure, in the shadows. Behind her, phrases were projected on to a large screen. They added up to a meditation on invisibility, identity and presence. We read in total silence. The last words that lit up on the screen were: Light, costume, movement, emotion, voice. So theatre is introduced, as Sofie finally gets up. She shines a floodlight into the high ceiling […]
Siân Robinson Davies Works for Live Art Danmark2011 “Expectations” at Samtalekøkken2014 DIVA residency, Stand Up performances ExpectationsWe’re going to start with some assumptions,because that’s where we always start.However, we will try to get further,even if all we end up with is lies and nonsense.At Samtalekøkkenet in November 2011, Siân presented “Expectations”. Dressed as a clown, she asked the audience about their expectations of “performance art” in general, and her performance in particular, and then proceeded to try to fulfill them. The performance was reviewed in the renowned Danish newspaper Politiken by Henrik Vesterberg. The review “Free salon offers soup and wood snail porn” can be found here. Stand Up PerformancesIn […]
Seimi Nørregaard Works with Live Art Danmark 2011 “SET UP”, installation for Samtalekøkken at Dansehallerne 2014 “Hulerum” at Live Art for Børn 2 2018 “Maxi Golf” at SWOP festival Roskilde, with Boaz Barkan 2020 “Arbeit, Arbeit” at “Live Art für Kinder” at Kampnagel Hamburg/Germany. SET UP In December 2011, our performance networking event Samtalekøkken took place in Seimi’s total-installation “SET UP” at Dansehallerne, then located at the former Carlsberg brewery in Copenhagen. The audience was immersed in a landscape of fabric, tents and tables. The installation served as a perfect backdrop for our event, and we asked art critic Matthias Borello from to review it in a new installment […]
Sara Hamming Work for Live Art Danmark2012 “Good Food” for Samtalekøkken Good FoodWhen we invited Sara to perform at Samtalekøkken, she presented a buffet. Although the good food had been carefully prepared to look like it was half-eaten, all of it was quickly consumed by a hungry audience. Afterwards, Sara revealed the intention of the work in a performance lecture, which investigated the social phenomena of the buffet and the fine line between attraction and disgust. About the ArtistSara Hamming is a performance artist and performance writer living in Copenhagen. She receives continuous funding from the National Arts Foundation for projects and is a member of Independent Performing Artists […]
Sanna Albjørk Work for Live Art Danmark 2013 “Solo Show #1 – A Lecture Performance for the Big Other” at Samtalekøkken Solo Show #1 – A Lecture Performance for the Big Other In April 2013, Sanna performed “Solo Show #1 – A Lecture Performance for the Big Other” at Samtalekøkken at Nikolaj Kunsthal. In this her first solo piece, she outlines her thoughts, hopes and inhibitions about becoming a performance artist, not long after she received her university degree in theatre studies. She pointedly point out the greatly different attitudes and conditions that men and women are confronted with, while trying to make art. About the Artist Sanna Albjørk is […]
Robin Deacon Works for Live Art Danmark 2011 “The Argument against the Body” at Samtalekøkken 2014 “White Balance: A History of Video” and “Spectacle: A Portrait of Stuart Sherman” at Hitparaden 2 The Argument against the Body Robin Deacon performed “The Argument against the Body” at Samtalekøkken in Warehouse 9 in February 2011. It was a complex meditation on the ancient mind-body dualism, one of the oldest and utterly unsolvable philosophical conundrums: What am I, my mind or my body? Robin applied the question to the relationship between performer and audience. An entertaining and very smart lecture performance, the video of which can only be seen at Youtube, because there […]
Pathosformel Work for Live Art Danmark 2013 “T.E.R.R.Y.” at Samtalekøkken T.E.R.R.Y. Pathosformel presented their performance installation T.E.R.R.Y at Samtalekøkken in 2013. The installation dealt with issues of collaboration and competition between human and non human entities, and filled the vast space of Nikolaj Kunsthal. It consisted of sparse blue lights and fragile wooden objects that reminded the viewer of miniature football goals. The lights flicker, the goals move around, seemingly by themselves, while a soundtrack of trancy electronics, accompanied a hushed female voice plays. About the Artists Pathosformel was founded in Venice in 2004 by Daniel Blanga Gubbay and Paola Villani, both students of Giorgio Agamben, and influenced by the […]
Páll Haukur Björnsson Work for Live Art Danmark 2012: Performance at Samtalekøkken Performance At Samtalekøkken in October 2012 Páll presented a remote control performance. He got Jens Bäckvall, a Danish artist collegue, to try to climb a mountain of loosely stacked books in his place as a stand in. While a loud discussion was going on in the main space, Jens quietly tried again and again to scale the fragile mountain, re-stacked the books that fell off, and tried again, finally reaching out for two signs high up on the walls of Nikolaj Kunsthal that read “Enlightenment” and “Pussy”. Which of these two goals he strived to reach (or maybe […]
Otmar Wagner Works for Live Art Danmark 2004 “Encyclopedia of Performance Art” at Berliner Luft 1 2005 “Stuff the Holes, Yeah!” at Berliner Luft 2 2012 “Song for Samtalekøkken” and “The Border” at Samtalekøkken 2021 “The Blind Gorilla” for Live Art for Børn at Ålborg Festuge 2021 “TOYS OF JOYLESSNESS or DISTURBANCE & DEBILITY” for Friisland opening and VR-exhibition Encyclopedia of Performance Art Otmar founded founded “Wagner/Feigl Forschung und Festspiele” together with Florian Feigl as a platform for their common projects in 1996. IN 2004 they performed their “Encyclopedia of Performance Art” for the first time in Denmark at our first Berliner Luft festival. The Encyclopedia is a potentially limitless […]
Oreet Ashery Work for Live Art Danmark 2012 Artist’s presentation at Samtalekøkken Artist’s Presentation Oreet, born in Israel, educated and living in the United Kingdom, gave a slide lecture about her work. At the time, she focused on photos of herself taking on male identities, in particular those of orthodox jewish men. In the images, the artist is almost unrecognizable, using intricate hair, beard, costume and make up to perfect the transformation into the other one. In her lecture, in the video below, we hear her speak about her relationship to Israel and the complexities of her images that produce a tension between her own female body and pespective on […]