Thomas Altheimer Work for Live Art Denmark 2011 „The Case against Nielsen‟ at Samtalekøkken The Case against Nielsen We invited Thomas to one of our Samtalekøkken events in early 2011. He used the opportunity to tell the story of his court case against Claus Beck-Nielsen, who allegedly stole his identity, by making him a character in the book “Suverænen”. Nielsen and Altheimer worked and travelled together on a series of rather radical peformative excursions, which Nielsen used as content for some of his books, fictionalising Thomas‛ real name, address, family etc. It is a convoluted story of a love-hate relationship between two of the most mysterious protagonists of the contemporary […]
Terra Nova Works for Live Art Denmark 2013 „Like/not like‟ at Samtalekøkken Like/not like At Samtalekøkken in February 2013, Jens Bäckvall and Christian Adelhorst Rossil, members of the performance collective Terra Nova, presented their open source project “Like/not like” in a performative lecture. Printed and laminated „thumbs up/down‟ symbols were passed out to the audience, and they were encouraged to like or dislike the presentation and the project at several times during the evening. The project is documented in a series of short videos on Jens Bäckvall’s Youtube channel. They mostly show Jens and Christian in jogging pants, working on different aspects of simplicity and minimalist movements. They also dance […]
Tero Nauha Work for Live Art Denmark 2012 “Life in Bytom” at Samtalekøkken Life in Bytom Tero Nauha presented a performance from an ongoing series about capitalism, which he developed during a residency in the small Polish mining town of Bytom. He worked with a simple set up of two tables, two speakers and a projection screen in the back, where a slide show of images from the town’s mining past ran. Dressed all in black he reports about his work in and about Bytom. So far, everything looks like a scholarly lecture. But while he speaks, Tero moves a small pile of pieces of coal with his mouth across […]
Tanja Ostojic Work for Live Art Denmark 2004 ”The Integration Project 2000-2005: A Dinner Conversation” at Berliner Luft 1 The Integration Project 2000-2005: A Dinner Conversation Tanja’s performance lecture, part of her „Integration Project‟ series, was entitled „A Dinner Conversation‟. The audience was served food and wine while Tanja showed documentary films and pictures from her projects, her body completely covered by a burqa made from a fabric printed with a military camouflage pattern. The audience is placed comfortably around the table while the works that Tanja presents address „the others‟ – those who are excluded from the table in Denmark and all of Western Europe. The dinner conversation was […]
Svend E Kristensen Svend E Kristensen made a performance at „Looking for Johnny‟ and was DJ at Samtalekøkkenet
Søren Thilo Funder Work for Live Art Denmark 2012 “Rites of Passage (Keep alive)” for Samtalekøkken 2013 „First Citizen‟ video for the Turku Biennial Rites of Passage (Keep alive) At Samtalekøkkenet in September 2012, Søren presented “Rites of Passage (Keep alive)”. A man in formal evening dress slowly descends a set of chairs, and carefully unfolds a white sheet of fabric, which he holds out in front of him. On the sheet, a video is projected which shows a variety of documentary footage of public situations of mourning. Crowds of crying people in the street, watching a hearse go by, audience and players of sports events standing in silence, heads […]
Søren Dahlgaard Work for Live Art Danmark 2011 „Dough Sculptures‟ at Samtalekøkken Dough Sculptures For the edition of Samtalekøkken held in May 2011, we invited Søren Dahlgaard who performed with two of his dough sculptures, working live in a performance with them for the first time, as he pointed out in an introductory speech. He also explained that one was a slow sculpture, while the other one was fast. It could be argued that it was not so much Søren himself who performed, as he acted more as a trainer and moderator for his dough sculptures. The large globs of dough were produced with different amounts of yeast and thus […]
Søren Berner Works for Live Art Danmark 2012:‟Barbie‟ for Samtalekøkken 2014 Two interactive performances for Live Art for Børn 1 2014 „Freenactment‟ at Samtalekøkken at Madhouse Helsinki 2018 „Still Live‟ at Live Art for Børn 5 Barbie In this intense performance for Samtalekøkken in October 2012, Søren had a group of football players lead the audience in a warm up session, held an interactive photo session, let audience members paint his portait with fire extinguishers, auctioned of the finished work and finally even led the discussion about the meaning of the performance himself. Pop Up Besøg For the Live Art for Børn festival in 2014, Søren worked with a large […]
Stuart Lynch Works for Live Art Danmark2011 Performance at Samtalekøkken2013 „Lynch Concert‟ at Hitparaden 1 Performance at SamtalekøkkenFor one of our Samtalekøkken events in 2011, Stuart performed a monologue piece, in which he impersonates a Texan minister, the devil, and baby Jesus, at times several of them at once. Lynch ConcertStuart brought his „Lynch Concert‟ to our first Hitparaden festival. In this virtuoso showcase, he amazes his audience by demonstrating some incredible things that can be done with the human voice. In earlier collaborations with the makers of Live Art Denmark, Stuart Lynch took part in the celebration of Antonin Artaud in 1995 and the performance program „Looking for Johnny‟ […]
Stine Marie Jacobsen Works for Live Art Danmark2011 „The Entity‟ at Samtalekøkken, with Ib Kjeldsmark2013 „Idle No More„, video for the performance program of the Turku Biennal2014 „der den die die”, video for Now and Again2019/20 „Law Shifters‟ at Live Art for Børn 6 and „Transgeneratoren Festival‟, Hamburg/Germany The EntityFor her performance “The Entity” at Samtalekøkken in April 2011, Stine Marie hid in the attic of our venue Warehouse 9, out of sight for the audience. The only one allowed to see her performance was the designer Ib Kjeldsmark. He created live drawings of his experience which were shown to the audience. The only other signs of Stine Marie’s presence […]