The Sound of Life
In 2023, our tenth Live Art for Children festival took place at Theater Black/White under their new profile as a stage for music-dramatic development. We had a wonderful collaboration with them around the Live Art for Children Festival in 2017 and were happy to move into their house again.
Live Art for Children is an annual festival for children, young people, their parents, grandparents and adults. We show international performance, experimental theater and participant-based live art projects. The works are selected according to an inverse principle – they are often originally created for adults, and must not exclude children. This is because we want to show works that are really interesting for all ages. Live Art Denmark has shown the festival annually since 2014, and always in collaboration with existing theatres, museums and art galleries all over Denmark. They have had themes such as “politics and social criticism”, “child labour”, “magic”, “gender” or “food”. It is high time that we dedicate a Live Art for Children Festival to the exciting field between sound and action; interpreted by contemporary artists! The modern performance art from the 1950s grew out of questions about what makes sound “music”, and what makes movement “dance”. The preoccupation with the relationship between art, sound and life is still evident in the works we have selected:
Athelas Sinfonietta Copenhagen with Håkon Stene performs Simon Steen-Andersen: Black Box Music
Aaron Williamson: Hijacked Songs
Steffi Weismann Conduct’s Dieter Schnebel: Koncert for 9 Harley Davidsons
Program as PDF to watch or download
Program_LiveArt_born_TeaterSortHvid2023-1Rachael Clerke (UK) og Daisy Moon (UK): The Punk Band Project. To punkkoncerter skabt på samme dag af teenagepiger fra to lokale skoler. Den engelske kunstner Rachael Clerke havde altid ønsket sig at være med i et punkband, indtil hun en dag i et glimt af overvældende klarhed indså, at hun selv kunne grundlægge et!

Athelas Sinfonietta Copenhagen opfører Thierry de Mey: Musique de table
David Sebastian Lopez Restrepo (CO): FooDJ

Roi Vaara: Grounding
Bananskolen: Danseskolens Sublime Parfumer

Steffi Weismann og Özgür Erkök Moroder: Touch Amplifier
Derudover gennemførte Maria Lepistö (SE) to workshops. Daisy Moon (UK) spillede et DJ sæt og Live Art Danmark opførte på et sidste øjebliksafbud en special lyd Virak Revy.