Katherine Areniello (UK)

Katherine Araniello Works with Live Art Danmark 2014 “Institutional Classics” with the “Disabled Avant Garde” and “The Feral Ladykillers” with Jenna Finch at Hitparaden 2 Institutional Classics For Institutional Classics the Disabled Avant Garde mimic the format of a death metal concert replete with distorted feedback guitar and tambourine. The stars of the show, Katherine Araniello and Aaron Williamson take center stage, their faces covered in KISS-like make up and surrounded by their band of musicians. The DAG take on day-centre standards such as ‘Ten in The Bed (Rollover)’, ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ and ‘Skip to my Lou’, with the melodies heavily distorted into a very weird free form […]

Disabled Avant-Garde

Disabled Avant Garde Works with Live Art Danmark 2014 “Institutional Classics” at Hitparaden 2 Institutional Classics The performance “Institutional Classics” mimics the format of a pop concert, with the stars of the show, Katherine Araniello and Aaron Williamson taking center stage with their faces covered in black and white make up reminiscent of the style the band KISS uses, and surrounded by their band of musicians. Their program consists mostly of rather long versions of classic children’s songs like “The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round” or “Old McDonald Had a Farm”, with the melodies heavily distorted into a very weird free form of punk, because Aaron, the […]

Simon Raven (UK)

Simon Raven Work for Live Art Danmark 2014 “Blackguards” at Hitparaden 2, with Jenna Finch Blackguard “In all great houses, but particularly in the royal residences, there were a number of mean and dirty dependants, whose office it was to attend the sculleries etc. Of these (for in the lowest deep there was a lower still) the most forlorn wretches seem to have been selected to carry coals to the kitchens. To this smutty regiment… the people, in derision, gave the name of black-guards” (Ben Johnson, ‘Love Restored’, 1612) Blackguard (pronounced blaggard) is a rather old-fashioned term for a scoundrel. The lowest-of-the-low in a traditional royal household, the black-guard was […]

Jenna Finch (UK)

Jenna Finch Works with Live Art Denmark 2014 Jenna appeared in several performances during Hitparaden 2 Blackguards Together with Simon Raven, she performed “Blackguards”. The term derives from a derisive term for the lowest of the low servants in a royal household, the ones who had to carry coal to the kitchens. The term was later used as an insult. With social and economic inequality currently reaching new, extraordinary proportions, Jenna Finch and Simon Raven re-visited the images of the Blackguard by ineffectually guarding lowly objects at the festival entrance. The Feral Lady Killers Jenna joined Katherine Araniello to perform “The Feral Lady Killers”. While loud music was blasting from […]

Kate Mahony (UK)

Kate Mahony Works with Live Art Danmark 2014 “Foley” and several musical performances at Hitparaden 2 Foley Sampling traces its roots back to the technical experiments and manipulations of musicians and artists in the 1940s, finding its popular realisations in hip hop, electronic dance and industrial music of the 70s and 80s. In this hilarious performance, Kate presents a very low tech version of sampling. Entering the stage with a large plastic bag full of everyday objects that she brings out one at a time, she first crudely imitates the sound the objects make with her voice, than demonstrates the original sound by using (or, in some cases, abusing) the […]

Joaquin Zaragoza (DK)

Joaquin Zaragoza Work for Live Art Danmark 2014 “Bombardino” at Hitparaden 2 Bombardino The bombardino or euphonium is a brass instrument and close relative of the tuba, but slightly smaller. It covers the tenor tone range, whereas the tuba is firmly rooted in the bass. One of these rather rare instruments is the center piece of Joaquin’s performance installation for Hitparaden 2. This one is equipped with several small mikes that the artist produces a series of scratchy noise sounds with, before actually improvising on the instrument. Visuals are supplied by small photoscreens attached to the bombardino and a larger projection which doubles as the light source for the work. […]

Signa (DK)

Signa Works for Live Art Danmark 2012 Workshop for Samtalekøkken 2014 DJ set at Hitparaden 2 Workshop at Statens Teaterskole In 2012 Signa offered a workshop introducing some of the students of Statens Teaterskole to their work and working methods. A presentation of the results was part of the program of one of our Samtalekøkken events. DJ Set In 2014 Signa contributed a DJ set with spectacular visuals – including poledancing – to our second Hitparaden festival of international theatre. About the Artists SIGNA  is a Copenhagen based artistic collective founded by Signa & Arthur Köstler. Developed since 2001 from performances by Signa Sørensen (now Köstler), the fundamental concept of […]

Louise Orwin (UK)

Louise Orwin Works with Live Art Danmark 2014 “Humiliation Piece” at Hitparaden 2 2016 “Pretty Ugly” at Live Art for Kids 3 Humiliation Piece “Humiliation Piece” is a one-woman show which puts the private world of a female masochist into the excruciatingly public arena of the theatre. Comic, awkward, and at times frightening, the performance asks what exactly an audience wants to see on stage, and challenges what we think of as ‘entertaining’ in performance. Louise performed “Humiliation Piece” at our Hitparaden 2 festival. Pretty Ugly Pretty Ugly originally started its life as a YouTube experiment. After noticing a world-wide trend of teenage girls posting videos asking viewers to rate […]

Mark Boombastik (DE)

Mark Boombastik Works for Live Art Danmark 2014 Concert and performance “Teotwawki” at Hitparaden 2 Concert What could you possibly say about a concert by Mark Boombastik? He is the only experimental beat boxer we know. Listen, learn and enjoy. Teotwawki At Hitparaden 2, Mark also performed with Jörn J. Burmester and Florian Feigl in Teotwawki. The trio presented a dark performance about the prepper movement, exploring human behaviour under extreme circumstances with the means of performance art on a theatrical stage. The audience was hearded into a fenced of encampment, a large black wheel of fortune determined which catastrophes – from climate change to zombie apocalypse – would befall […]

Søren Krag (DK)

Søren Krag Work for Live Art Denmark 2014 “Nu(?)” at Hitparaden 2 Nu(?) Søren brought some friends along for his performance “Nu(?)” at our second Hitparaden festival of international performance art. On a screen in the back of the small stage, a wild chain of video associations was projected, while the performers in the foreground remained half obscure in the half light. Phantastic costume creations and kitsch props clashed with snippets of documentary film from the Iraq war, until finally the screen is taken over by a performer in a monster mask, rolling in a bathtub and crying for his mom. A disturbing tour de force of images and sounds. […]