Nanna Lysholt Hansen Works for Live Art Danmark 2015 Performance “Dear Daughter/Motherboard Theories of Evolution (w/Braidotti, Plant et aliae) #6” and video “Dear Daughter/Organic Cyborg Stories (After Donna Haraway) #5” at Kulstof 15. Dear Daughter At our 2015 festival, Kulstof 15, Nanna showed two parts of her “Dear Daughter” series, one a live performance, the other one a video. The video is the chronologically earlier contribution. In “Dear Daughter/Organic Cyborg Stories (After Donna Haraway) #5” we see an unchanging image of a human body, clad in a morphsuit, sitting cross legged in front of a mikrophone on a stand in a sharply outlined blue light. The figure has a large […]
Sophie Dupont Works for Live Art Danmark 2011 Duo performance with Mathias Kryger at Samtalekøkken 2015 “Heavy Light” at Kulstof 15 2019 “Marking Breath”, performance recipe for “Playing Up” at Copenhagen Contemporary Duo Performance The performance Sophie presented at Samtalekøkken was developed in a collective process with Mathias Kryger. Togetyher they created costumes of found and cheaply bought materials and developed the series of silent physical situations the performancce consists of. The poses they assumed were reminiscent of early Avantgarde dance and Dada, of contemporary dance and theatre. Donning red wigs that obscure their faces, they moved slowly in the sparse light of a video projection that showed the same […]
Peter Lind Works with Live Art Danmark 2013 Performance photography and exhibition at Hitparaden 1 2014 Performance photography at Hitparaden 2 2015 Performance photography at Kulstof 15 Performance Photography We worked with Peter as our resident photographer at both Hitparaden festivals and Kulstof 15. You will find many of his pictures throughout these artist’s pages and other sections of this website. At the first Hitparade he exhibited pictures taken in the framework of his work “When everything is over ….” About the Artist Peter is a photographer and visual artist based in Copenhagen. His work is based on documentary observations, and stands at the crossroads of conceptual photography, installation and […]
Line Skywalker Karlström Works for Live Art Danmark 2011 “(leaving) Nest” at Samtalekøkken 2014 “Kroppen der stak af” at Live art for Børn 1 2015 “Finding the Lesbian Leak at the Louvre” at Kulstof 15 (leaving) Nest This performance by Line Skywalkerm, presented at Samtalekøkkenet in December 2011, was a new durational work, created for the occasion and running for three hours. We participate in a poetic, physical, semi-improvised ritual that moves between different installations, groups of materials and nests, in the large open space of Carlsberg Hall. The work is based on the size and character of the room, animals, nature, and materials. (Leaving) Nest is performed as a […]