Johannes Zits

Johannes Zits Works With Live Art Danmark 2019 “Dialoguing With Trees”, Live Art for Børn 2019 Performance Recipe for “Performance Opskrivter” Dialoguing With Trees For this performance Johannes put himself into an empathic state with some trees and attempted to convey to them the divergent impressions of nature within an art context. He achieved this with nonverbal actions and various found elements. The grouping of trees that he worked with, situated in the very civilised context of a park in central Aalborg, attest to how for centuries people have been trying to “tame” nature; making it conform to varying cultural ideals. As successive art movements have been built on top […]

Hanna Sybille Müller

Hanna Sybille Müller Works with Live Art Denmark2018 “Sounds Like Catastrophes” at Live Art for Børn, with Eva-Maria Keller2019 “Sounds Like Catastrophes” recipe for Performanceopskrifter, with Eva-Maria Keller Sounds Like CatastrophesFor our festival Live Art for Children 2018, Sibylle collaborated with Eva Meyer Keller to create an original work that was performed by six children. Sounds like Catastrophes is part of a series of works that intuitively research catastrophes. It examines the quietness and loudness of the gently increasing or sudden sounds we associate with catastrophes. As part of an initial workshop, the young performers invented instruments made from everyday materials and objects, to form an catastrophical orchestra. Playing their […]

Fatric Bewong

Fatric Bewong Works with Live Art Danmark2019 Residency in Copenhagen and a recipe for Performance Opskrifter. Recipe for PerformancesIn her interdisciplinary art practice, Fatric focusses on the complex relationships between colonialism and pollution. During her residency at Copenhagen Contemporary she created a walking performance which led her along the further reaches of Copenhagen harbour. With her face painted green and carrying a massive pile of makeshift luggage on her back, she succeeded in inspiring audiences and passers by to reflect issues of migration and colonialism. In a performance recipe that she contributed to our collection that allows audiences to recreate performances that took place at an earlier date, she asks […]


Oblivia Work with Live Art Danmark2019 “Children and Other Radicals” at Live Art for Børn 6 Children and Other RadicalsThe legendary Finnish performance group joined forces with a group of grown ups, children and young people for this unconventional dance piece about money, capital and economy that we presented in the program of our 6th Live Art for Børn festival. As the lights gradually and artfully come up, all ten members of the cast stand motionless facing the audience, reciting a series of statements about life in late capitalism, swelling into a chorus of pressure, not knowing and confusion. Ten minutes into the show they, again only gradually, begin to […]

Kristoffer Oerum

Kristoffer Ørum Work with Live Art Danmark 2019 “Mundane Heroics”, ANTI Festival, Finland, Live Art for Børn, Theater Nordkraft, Aalborg, Denmark, Bästa Biennalen, Lund, Sweden 2022 “A Human Pretending To Be An Artist Pretending To Be A Crayfish” at Friisland Live #3 Mundane Heroics The project combines Live Action Role Playing, performance art and sculpture in a participatory project for young people. It brings together a group of young role players from Sweden, Denmark and Finland to create a series of live tableaux in public space. The participants work with everyday household objects, paint, remodel and combine them until they appear familiar and strange at once. The objects are picked […]

Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt (DK)

Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt (DK)

Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt Work for Live Art Danmark2014 “Zoo” for Now and Again Zoo“Zoo” is an original video which Cecilie created for our series of video performances Now and Again. On screen, we witness Cecilie performing in a living-room, exhibiting the vain need to be remembered. Over two hours in front of the video camera, a time-based portrait unfolds, and an improvised personae emerges from the live situation. With the material edited down to twenty minutes, the performed subjectivity is shaped and consolidated into a contradictory and tamed portrait of the artist as a young woman. Editing and sound are explicitly commenting the act of auto-portraiture as the performance is […]

Christine Overvad Hansen (DK)

Christine Overvad Hansen (DK)

Christine Overvad Hansen Works for Live Art Danmark 2014 “In Search of Seductive Powers” at Hitparaden 2. In Search of Seductive Powers Christine enters the performance area, in an open courtyard of Pumpehuset, and approaches a sofa that has previously been installed there. Or is it a sofa? What at first glance seems to be a common piece of furniture, turns ut to be a large array of carefully crafted and sewn artefacts. The artist proceeds to matter of factly disassemble the sofa. Its cushions turn out to be bags containing materials she uses to transform the sofa into a machine that maybe conducts the search for seductive powers in […]