Hesselholdt og Mejlvang

Hesselholdt og Mejlvang Work for Live Art Danmark 2022 Two Fools in a Sinking Boat, VR-installation at Friisland. Two Fools in a Sinking Boat We invited the Danish artist duo Hesselholdt og Mejlvang, consisting of Sofie Hesselholdt and Vibeke Mejlvang to make a VR-installation specifically for our project space Friisland. They delivered a performance in virtual reality. Their original work, “Two Fools in a Sinking Boat” was created for a single audience member at a time. The virutal reality presences of two fools (Hesselhold and Mejlvang in scary clowns costumes) circled the viewer inside Friisland art space, spewing rhymes and stanzas about the state of the earth on the brink […]

Liz Toonkel

Liz Toonkel Work for Live Art Danmark 2022 Magic for Animals at Live Art for Børn, Aarhus Magic for Animals Performer Liz Toonkel came  all the way from the US to join our 2022 edition of Live Art for Børn in Aarhus. With Magic for Animals she brought a one woman magic show about how humans treat animals, and one another. She fascinated her youthful audiences with a skillful use of magic, which helped her to address serious issues like animal rights, women’s rights, and human rights in playful and fun ways. About the Artist Liz is a performance artist, magician and filmmaker, and passionate about work that strives for […]

Madeleine Andersson

Madeleine Andersson

 Madeleine Andersson Works for Live Art Danmark 2022 Petrosexuality at Friisland Live #4 Petrosexuality Madeleine was part of the fourth edition of our series of live events “Friisland Live”. She brought her performance lecture “Petrosexuality”, in which she speaks about her larger project of the same title, a massive exploration, in which she points out surprising systematic parallels between the heteronormativity and the fossile fuel addiction both still dominant in large parts of today’s societies of the Global North. Drilling, extraction and orgasmic, explosive discharges play some of the main roles on the fictional stage where the drama of this linguistic fantasy unfolds. There seems to be an entire subculture engaged […]

Marie Thams

Marie Thams Work for Live Art Danmark 2022 “aaarena” at Friisland Live #6 aaarena Marie performed her work “aaarena” at our sixth live art event out in Nordhavn, layering a Danish text over a soundscape created with voice as an instrument. The piece deals with questions around the body as an arena and tool in the accelerated and norm-setting working life – which shapes the experience of life, our ability to hear other than human-made mechanisms, our connectedness, and more. In her voice and speech-based performances, Marie Thams works with the potentials of the body and the individual in sociopolitical as well as individual terms, combining voice with personal and […]

Margaret Dragu

Margaret Dragu Works for Live Art Danmark 2022 “The New Akademy of Life and Performance Aktions” at Friisland Live #4 The New Akademy of Life and Performance Aktions We encountered wisdom expressed as small gems of performance art, expressed in a seemingly random sequence of actions, or, as the artists would have it “Aktions”. Margaret Dragu spend a week in Copenhagen in June of 2022 as a resdient guest artist with our friends from B&W Art and Support. Besides participating in two of their “Teach Each Other Mondays” and holding a series of daily open studio events at Forsøgsstationen, she found time to present this work in collaboration with her […]

Miao Jiaxin

Miao Jiaxin Work for Live Art Denmark 2022 Artist in Residency at Friisland, “A German Aufguss Sauna Ritual performed by a Chinese from the US”, live performance, “725 performance”, VR performance, “Chorus of Pulse” performance recipe for Performance Opskrifter. A German Aufguss Sauna Ritual performed by a Chinese from the US We loved this old school performance art piece with the artist engaging in a series of material explorations, including potentially dangerous and unhealthy ones, inviting audience participation, enduriong physically strenuous activities, and creating a giant mess. In March 2022 US-American performance artist Miao Jiaxin was the artist in residence at our project space Friisland. He contributed this live performance […]

Svend Sømod

Svend Sømod Work for Live Art Danmark 2022: “8 Hz: Brainwave Manipulation”, Live Art for Børn and VR installation at Friisland. 8 Hz: Brainwave Manipulation We invited by Danish visual artist Svend Sømod to participate in two of our projects in 2022. He presented two different version of his VR-work “8Hz: Brainwave Manipulation”, which uses the VR-technology to simulate the state of the brain during deep meditation. To achieve this, the viewers brain is manipulated into taking on a state similar to that of REM sleep by exposing the eyes to a series of flashes with the frequency of 8 Hz. First, we integrated Svend’s installation into the 2022 line […]

Taiwo Aiyedogbon

Taiwo Aiyedogbon Works for Live Art Danmark 2022 Artist in Residence, “Asiweju” live performance, “Gèlèdè”, site-specific VR performance at Friisland, recipe for Performance Opskrifter. Asiweju In May of 2022, Taiwo was our artist in residence. For the fourth event of our series of regular performance events at our project space Friisland, Taiwo developed and presented ”Asiweju”, an participatory performance walk. Drawing from her research into Nigerian women leaders, Taiwo explored how national histories are written and popularized. In Asuwaju, she used methods of political procession and celebration dance to reconsider and rewrite these narratives to include the powerful contributions of Nigerian women leaders. All women in the audience were invited to […]

Dani Ploeger

Dani Ploeger Work for Live Art Denmark 2022, performance lecture on his VR work “Frontline”, Friisland Live #6, Friisland. Frontline The Dutch artist and activist Dani Ploeger travelled to the Eastern frontline of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia long before the official beginning of the war. While there was quite a lot of media attention in the West, when Russian backed militias first occupied territories in the Donbass, it was soon pointed elsewhere, when no spectacular developments and changes of the sutuaiton took place. Dani used video and VR material he shot of a small group of soldiers he embedded himself with to create the VR installation “Frontline”. It […]