About liveart_dk

Liveart.dk was founded in 2004 in Copenhagen to promote the discussion, documentation and development of live art in Denmark. The organisation is equally inspired by the imaginative and entertaining English Live Art tradition as by the theoretical and political German theatre tradition. We have organised 10 large international festivals of Live Art for kids and adults since 2004, and over 40 discussion events, books, video series, symposia and more in the field of live art, performance art, art criticism and documentation. We collaborate with theatres, music venues, art museums and festivals in Denmark and internationally.

Alastair McLennan (UK)

Alastair McLennan (UK)

Alastair MacLennan Work with Live Art Danmark 2015 Group performance with Black Market International and solo performance “Rust a Gust” at Kulstof 15, Aalborg “Rust a Gust” As a member of the performance group “Black Market International“, Alastair participated in our performance program “Kulstof 15, The Body as Process and Image” in November 2015. He also presented an impressive solo performance, “Rust a Gust”. Outside, in the semi dark of a November night in Aalborg, he manipulated a collection of natural objects, including water, twigs, stones and strings, as well as artists materials, paper and ink on a table covered in white cloth. Simple manipulations and movement, but mostly focus […]

Black Market International

Black Market International

Black Market International Work with Live Art Danmark 2015 Group performance at Kulstof 15, Nordkraft, Aalborg Group Performance For a long durational performance, the artists who collectively perform under the legendary moniker of Black Market International took over the vast hall of the culture centre Nordkraft in the Danish city of Aalborg, a former coal fired power plant. Starting with a selection from their huge archive of helpful objects and action-images, amassed in more than 30 yeas of common practice, they quietly set out to act and interact, shape the atmosphere and temperature of the space for the given time of six hours. As always with Black Market, there was […]

Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt (DK)

Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt (DK)

Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt Work for Live Art Danmark2014 “Zoo” for Now and Again Zoo“Zoo” is an original video which Cecilie created for our series of video performances Now and Again. On screen, we witness Cecilie performing in a living-room, exhibiting the vain need to be remembered. Over two hours in front of the video camera, a time-based portrait unfolds, and an improvised personae emerges from the live situation. With the material edited down to twenty minutes, the performed subjectivity is shaped and consolidated into a contradictory and tamed portrait of the artist as a young woman. Editing and sound are explicitly commenting the act of auto-portraiture as the performance is […]

Christine Overvad Hansen (DK)

Christine Overvad Hansen (DK)

Christine Overvad Hansen Works for Live Art Danmark 2014 “In Search of Seductive Powers” at Hitparaden 2. In Search of Seductive Powers Christine enters the performance area, in an open courtyard of Pumpehuset, and approaches a sofa that has previously been installed there. Or is it a sofa? What at first glance seems to be a common piece of furniture, turns ut to be a large array of carefully crafted and sewn artefacts. The artist proceeds to matter of factly disassemble the sofa. Its cushions turn out to be bags containing materials she uses to transform the sofa into a machine that maybe conducts the search for seductive powers in […]

Claus Ejner (DK)

Claus Ejner (DK)

Claus Ejner Works for Live Art Danmark 2014: “Performance om det at være til”, Hitparaden 1 Performance om det at være til Claus Ejner spoke Danish and wrote in Danish on the posters he used throughout his performance at Hitparaden 1 festival. The title might be translated as “Performance on what will be”. He began standing on stage motionless with a poster around his neck stating that he is normal and that this is a performance that deals with locking out the outside world. He remains motionless for some minutes, fingers stuffed in his ears. He then worked his way through a series of microperformances, each resulting in a still […]

Ayaka Okutsu (JP)

Ayaka Okutsu (JP)

Ayaka Okutsu Works for Live Art Danmark 2014 “EL-O”, two performances for Hitparaden 2, with Stina Hasse and Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath EL-O Group Performance The performance EL-O that Ayaka created for our performance art festival was realised in collaboration with Stina Hasse and Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath. Dressed in lab coats like old school scientists, the performers set out to raise awareness for the electromagnetic signals that surround us everywhere, in the air we breathe as well as in the things we touch. Because normally we cannot see, hear or feel electromagnetic signals, the performers converted the signals into light and sound, making their beauty accessible for human senses. EL-O Solo The second […]

Adam Young (UK)

Adam Young (UK)

Adam Young Work with Live Art Danmark 2015 Skype Performance for Samtalekøkken, Royal Theatre School, Copenhagen. Skype Performance On the sixth of June 2015, Adam Young performed at one of our Samtalekøkken events which was held at the Royal Theater School in Copenhagen. Or actually he didn’t. He performed somewhere near a park in Leeds. His performance was broadcasted live via Skype to our event. During Adam’s performance, the young acting students fell completely silent. Many of them literally sat with open mouths: they had never seen anything like this before! The rest of us just watched a good performance. Adam chewed a whole packet of chewing gum and worked […]

Christian Schmidt Rasmussen (DK)

Christian Schmidt Rasmussen (DK)

Christian Schmidt Rasmussen Works for Live Art Danmark 2014 Facepainting for Adults, Overgaden, Copenhagen 2016 Workshop “Afskedsfest for rumskibet, der skal flyve til universets ende”, Live Art for Børn, Nordkraft, Aalborg Workshop “Afskedsfest for rumskibet, der skal flyve til universets ende” The premise for this workshop was the idea that a giant space ship has been built in Aalborg. It’s take off for the end of the universe is imminent. The objective of the workshop was to prepare the celebration of its departure. In collaboration with the artist, the participating children wrote about the party, preparations for the upcoming space journey, the interior of the spaceship, and what Aalborg will […]

Anna Fro Vodder (DK)

Anna Fro Vodder (DK)

Anna Fro Vodder Works with Liveart Danmark2014 “Face Painting for Adults” at Overgaden, Copenhagen. Face Painting for AdultsAs a critical and humorous comment on the ways the art market asesses the value of art works, Live Art Denmark invited three established visual artists and painters, Kathrine Ærtebjerg, Christian Schmidt Rasmussen and Anna Fro Vodder, to create temporary artworks, using the faces of grown ups as their canvas. Participants were given a unique painting of a well known contemporary Danish artist for free. The only catch: The paintings were obviously temporary and therefore could not be sold at any price, much less the prices these artists usually obtain on the market. […]

Florian Feigl (DE)

Florian Feigl Works with Live Art Danmark 2004 “Encyclopedia of Performance Art” at Hitparaden 1, with Wagner Feigl Festspiele 2011 “Prologue to 300” at Samtalekøkkenet 2011 “Rambo Revisionist” at Samtalekøkkenet, with Jörn Burmester Wium 2014 “Teotwawki” at Hitparaden 2, with Jörn Burmester Wium and Mark Boombastik 2017 “Jeg skal baare lige…” for Live Art for Børn S/H 2022 “Prologue to 300”, two times three performances for Friisland Live #5 and Åben Festival. Encyclopedia of Performance Art With their performance-lecture “The Encyclopaedia of Performance Art” Wagner-Feigl-Forschung (Florian Feigl and Otmar Wagner) sketch out a complete and all encompassing catalogue of the world. In this live-action-research they guide us through the fields […]