Other guests: Francesca Romana Ciardi (IT), Thomas Dambo (DK), Nebahat Erpolat (AU), Anders Benmouyal (DK), Peter Rørbæk (DK), Chez Debs (DK), Rachel Dowle (UK), Black Note (DK/FR), Julian Maynard Smith (UK), Zlatko Buric (DK), Nils Grøndahl (DK), DJ Jazzfrans & Odine (DK), Peter Tinning (DK), Louis Keidan (UK), Martin O´Brien (UK), Christine Borch (DK), Carsten Friberg (DK), Horwitz & Hess (DE), Svend E Kristensen (DK), Morten Koefoed (DK), Kathrine Karlsen (DK), Johanna Linsley (UK), Alex Eisenberg (UK), Diana Damian (UK), Maddy Costa (UK), Rachel Lois Clapham (UK), Ida Marie Hede Bertelsen (DK), Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld (DK), Christine Fentz (DK), Værkstedet Værst (DK), Why Be (DK), Sune Petersen/Motorsaw (DK), Robert Kuzborski (DK), Alberto Lomas (ES), […]
French & Mottershead Work for Live Art Denmark 2014 „Afterlife‟ at Hitparaden 2. Afterlife UK-based artists Rebecca French and Andrew Mottershead presented Afterlife at Hitparaden 2. The immersive performance was part of a series of works reflecting on the death of the body and its relationship to place and time. Lying on a towel on a wooden deck, each audience member equipped with a mp3 player, the work consisted of an audio narrative that invited listeners on a poetic journey beyond their own death, and through the natural processes of decomposition in a woodland setting, compressing decades into minutes. The development of the work was supported by Cifas, Brussels. About […]
Random People Work for Live Art Danmark 2012 Presentation of the group at Salon Saloon Presentation Daniel Ladnar and Esther Pilkington from Random People presented some of their performative works in our living room. About the Artists random people was founded by Daniel Ladnar and Esther Pilkington in Aberystwyth in 2007 as a platform for collaborative projects in the field of performance. Currently, random people are based in Hamburg. In 2013, they co-founded irreality.tv to produce interventionist and participatory television projects. For many years and many projects, they have also worked closely with the collective Geheimagentur. Collaboration for them is not only a mode of production, but always also an […]
Siân Robinson Davies Works for Live Art Danmark2011 „Expectations‟ at Samtalekøkken2014 DIVA residency, Stand Up performances ExpectationsWe’re going to start with some assumptions,because that’s where we always start.However, we will try to get further,even if all we end up with is lies and nonsense.At Samtalekøkkenet in November 2011, Siân presented “Expectations”. Dressed as a clown, she asked the audience about their expectations of „performance art‟ in general, and her performance in particular, and then proceeded to try to fulfill them. The performance was reviewed in the renowned Danish newspaper Politiken by Henrik Vesterberg. The review „Free salon offers soup and wood snail porn‟ can be found here. Stand Up PerformancesIn […]
Robin Deacon Works for Live Art Danmark 2011 “The Argument against the Body” at Samtalekøkken 2014 „White Balance: A History of Video‟ and „Spectacle: A Portrait of Stuart Sherman‟ at Hitparaden 2 The Argument against the Body Robin Deacon performed “The Argument against the Body” at Samtalekøkken in Warehouse 9 in February 2011. It was a complex meditation on the ancient mind-body dualism, one of the oldest and utterly unsolvable philosophical conundrums: What am I, my mind or my body? Robin applied the question to the relationship between performer and audience. An entertaining and very smart lecture performance, the video of which can only be seen at Youtube, because there […]
Valerie Kuehne Work for Live Art Denmark 2013 Concert-Performance for Hitparaden 1 Concert-Performance It is not easy to describe the work of Valerie Kuehne. Just go to Youtube, go to full screen and enjoy the ride. This furios performance begins with the description of the Gravitron, a scary carnival ride, and continues with a song about the same ride, which in turn begins with a recreation of what one must feel like taking the ride, performed on the cello. All this happens in the first 3 1/2 minutes of her show, and it gets ever wilder after that. About the Artist Valerie is a cross-pollinated work of chaos. Fusing together […]
Oreet Ashery Work for Live Art Danmark 2012 Artist’s presentation at Samtalekøkken Artist’s Presentation Oreet, born in Israel, educated and living in the United Kingdom, gave a slide lecture about her work. At the time, she focused on photos of herself taking on male identities, in particular those of orthodox jewish men. In the images, the artist is almost unrecognizable, using intricate hair, beard, costume and make up to perfect the transformation into the other one. In her lecture, in the video below, we hear her speak about her relationship to Israel and the complexities of her images that produce a tension between her own female body and pespective on […]
Mary Paterson Works for Live Art Danmark 2011 Presentation of “Open Dialogues” at Samtalekøkken 2014 „Critics & Cocktails‟ and NOTA performance Open Dialogues Writers, critics and directors Mary Paterson and Rachel Louis Clapham jointly founded the writing collaboration „Open Dialogues – critical writing on and as performance‟, which produces writing on and as performance. Mary was our guest for the first time in February 2011, when she presented their work and general approach to performance art and writing at Samtalekøkken. Critics & Cocktails In 2014 we invited Mary back to Copenhagen for a residency. During her time here, she curated the „Critics & Cocktails‟ symposium at Overgaden Institut for Samtidskunst. […]
Marcus Coates Work at Live Art Danmark 2011 Video Works at Samtalekøkken Video Works At Samtalekøkken in December 2011, we presented a selection of Marcus‛ video works until 2010. Long before it became a general trend in academia as well as across the visual and performing arts, Marcus has worked with the ideas of being or becoming an animal, or what today would be called human-animal or human-non-human-animal relations. About the Artist Marcus, who was born in London in 1968, is well-known for his video works, which record the artist making shamanistic performances. These events tend to take place in municipal spaces such as offices or council housing buildings, and […]
Lone Twin Work for Live Art Danmark 2010 Performance Lecture for Samtalekøkken, with Molly Haslund 2019 „Beastie‟ at Live Art for Børn 6 and Performance Recipies at Copenhagen Contemporary Performance Lecture In November 2010, Gary Winters , one half of the Lone Twin performance duo, at the time in transition from performance art to theatre makers, came to Copenhagen to present their work at Samtalekøkken. With the support of Molly Haslund, who was a performer in Lone Twin Theatre, he talked about how he and his partner Gregg Whelan met as art students, their collaboration as artists, illustrated by videos and slides of their work. Molly played the Ukulele to […]