Sophie Dupont
Works for Live Art Danmark
2011 Duo performance with Mathias Kryger at Samtalekøkken
2015 „Heavy Light‟ at Kulstof 15
2019 „Marking Breath‟, performance recipe for „Playing Up‟ at Copenhagen Contemporary
Duo Performance
The performance Sophie presented at Samtalekøkken was developed in a collective process with Mathias Kryger. Togetyher they created costumes of found and cheaply bought materials and developed the series of silent physical situations the performancce consists of. The poses they assumed were reminiscent of early Avantgarde dance and Dada, of contemporary dance and theatre.
Donning red wigs that obscure their faces, they moved slowly in the sparse light of a video projection that showed the same sequence of historical film material over and over again: a female knife thrower performs, aiming and landing her knives precariously close to a small girl on a podium while other children watch. Dramatic Music with cello and a low bass male voice played provided a soundtrack.
Heavy Light
At our 2015 festival Kulstof 15, Sofie performed „Heavy Light‟. Strapped in a iron corset that is connected to a rope which runs up to the ceiling and then down to a heavy concrete block she stands motionless in white clothes. Audience members are invited to hang iron balls to eyelets provided on her corset. As the weight of the iron balls adds up, Sophie is forced to lean forward until her body is lowered to a frame on the ground, where it leaves an imprint. Meanwhile, the concrete block is raised up into the air on its own rope.
Balanced Walk
Sophie performed “Balanced Walk” at Acts Roskilde 2012. This performance was discussed heatedly during the Samtalekøkken we held during the festival.
Marking Breath
Sophie’s signature piece „Marking Breath‟is a long durational performance, in which she makes a mark on a surface for every breath she takes during an entire day from sunrise to sundown. This work is one of the performances audiences can recreate when they engage with our version of the international performance art game „Playing Up‟ at Copenhagen Contemporary. Don’t worry, you can choose your own, much shorter duration, if you want to try to recreate the performance.
About the Artist
Sophie is a visual artist working in different media, including performance, photography, sculpture and painting. She lives and works in Copenhagen. She received an MFA from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and has studied Contemporary Dance at London Contemporary Dance School (The Place).
Whether working with performance, painting, sculpture or photography, her starting point is often an existential and poetic reflection on the basic human conditions and on the basic elements and mechanisms of both body and mind.
Read more on her comprehensive website.