Nosaj Thing

Nosaj Thing Played for Live Art Danmark
 2013 DJ set at Hitparaden 1 DJ Set Nosaj Thing played a DJ Set and it looked like this: About the Artist
 Nosaj Thing (born Jason Chung) is an American record producer based in Los Angeles, California. He has produced tracks for artists such as Kendrick Lamar, Kid Cudi, Busdriver, and most recently, Chance the Rapper. Continue reading on Wikipedia, or listen in on Soundcloud.

Dagmar Vestergaard Friis (DK)

Dagmar Vestergaard Friis Works with Live Art Danmark2015 Performer in “Carnation & Quartz”, by Essi Kausalainen, Bästa Biennal, Kristianstad and Ystad, Sweden2016 Performance with Odun Orimolade, COLAB Copenhagen2017 Lead Performer in “The Attitudes of Ida Brun”2018/2019 Performance and sounds for “Sounds like Catastrophes” by Eva Meyer-Keller (DE), Brandts, Odens, CC, Copenhagen2019 Performance in “Mundane Heroics” by Kristoffer Ørum, ANTI festival, Kuopio (FI), Bästa Biennal, Lund (SE) ”Live Art for Børn”, Ålborg (DK). Carnations and QuartzDuring our second Live Art for Kids festival, Dagmar performed this piece with Finnish performance artist  Essi Kausalainen in Kristianstad and Ystad. COLAB CopenhagenDagmar also performed with Nigerian performer Odun Orimolade at NLH project space, in […]

Peter van der Meijden (NL/DK)

Peter van der Meijden Works with Live Art Danmark 2013 “The Definition of Performativity” at  Samtalekøkken 2016 Residence in collaboration with Ato Malinda at COLAB Copenhagen The Definition of Performativity Peter van Der Meijden presented and performed his performative lecture “The definition of performativity” at Samtalekøkken, illustrating his theses with a re-enactment of Joseph Beuys’ “Sauerkrautpartitur”. With this piece, first performed in Tokyo in 1969, Beuys demonstrated his famous idea that everyone is/should/can be an artist, by randomly arranging bits of Sauerkraut on a music stand to form the score which he then used to conduct an orchestra: Rather than recreate a well known and time honoured score, this one […]