Stine Marie Jacobsen
Works for Live Art Danmark
2011 „The Entity‟ at Samtalekøkken, with Ib Kjeldsmark
2013 „Idle No More„, video for the performance program of the Turku Biennal
2014 „der den die die”, video for Now and Again
2019/20 „Law Shifters‟ at Live Art for Børn 6 and „Transgeneratoren Festival‟, Hamburg/Germany
The Entity
For her performance “The Entity” at Samtalekøkken in April 2011, Stine Marie hid in the attic of our venue Warehouse 9, out of sight for the audience. The only one allowed to see her performance was the designer Ib Kjeldsmark. He created live drawings of his experience which were shown to the audience. The only other signs of Stine Marie’s presence were the rather disharmonic sounds she created with a keyboard.
Idle No More
For our program at the Turku Biennial 2013 she created the video „Idle No More„. For the video, Stine interviewed random passers-by about their personal idyll. The result was a number of polarized, political visions. But as „no man is an island‟, the ideal society can only be a compromise that has to be carefully negotiated. In her video work for the bienniale, she asked a small group of strangers to collaborate to weave an idyllic tale, inspired by prehistoric, oral traditions.
der den die die
For our series of performances for video, „Now and Again‟, Stine created the video peformance “der den die die”. In her humorous and gender-exploratory way, Stine based her video on some grammatical rules of German, of all things. In German, the specific article changes when a particular person of a certain gender goes through a particular space. With such a simple maneuver, the subject performs an action in relation to the object – someone or something is dominated!
Law Shifters
„Law Shifters‟ is a large scale international art project that Stine Marie has worked on since 2016. It includes workshops, performances, exhibitions and books. For the workshop-version we presented at our Live Art for Children festivals in Aalborg and Hamburg, teenagers were invited to participate in an exciting experiment. In collaboration with a local lawyer they reconstructed and re-evaluated actual court cases, covering fields ranging from youth protection to immigration and asylum law. The participants were asked to reach their own verdicts for the accused, re-writing laws as they found it necessary. The verdict from the original case was not revealed until the last moment. Audiences of spectators were welcome to witness the proceedings of our art court.
You can read more about it this German text. Click.
About the Artist
Stine Marie is a conceptual artist working to decode violence and law both individually and collectively through participatory means. She graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts with an MFA in 2009 and a BFA from CalArts, the California Institute of the Arts, Los Angeles, USA in 2007, and now lives and works in Copenhagen and Berlin.
In order to provide participants with a collaborative and dialogical space, Stine Marie creates open structured sociocultural and participatory projects with clearly defined themes. With a focus on themes such as film, language, gender, violence, death, taboos, anonymity, and psychology, the artist conducts performative experiments and creates platforms for critical thinking and new ways of looking at ethics, identity, control, fear and trust.
Over the years Jacobsen has conceptualised and worked on a number of long term participatory and educational projects such as „Direct Approach‟, where people retell the most violent film scene they have watched from memory and choose to play either victim, perpetrator or bystander in a reenactment or „Mann beißt Hund‟, a remake of the satirical Belgian black and white film „C’est arrivé près de chez vous‟ from 1992, without actors on screen. In „Law Shifters‟ the artist organises, in collaboration with lawyers, law writing workshops for refugees, immigrants and citizens, and invites them to write their own law proposals.
In 2015, Stine was awarded an innovative educational grant from Node curatorial studies in Berlin and in 2016 she was awarded a peace Fellowship by the Rotary Foundation and won the Berlin Art Prize.
Extensive information about her more recent projects can be found on Stine’s website.