Klassikere For Kids
Works for Live Art Danmark
2015 “Faust” at Live Art for Børn 2
2016 “Til Fyret” at Live Art for Børn 3
“Klassikere for Kids should inspire all who make theatre for children in Norway.” Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK)

At Live Art for Børn 2 we showed Klassikere For Kids “Faust”. This interpretation of the dark German classic was nominated for the prestigious Norwegian theatre award “Heddaprisen” as the year’s best performance for children and young people in 2013.
Faust for Kids is a performance about the connections between good and evil. Goethe’s text is full of infanticide, violence, lust, heaven and hell. Starting from the idea that with proper mediation any topic can be suitable for children as well as adults, Klassikere for Kids made the story graspable and thought provoking. Children were provided with insights into the world’s horrors, but the production manged to place the incomprehensible, cruel actions of the story within a safe and playful environment.
The audience was invited onto the stage after the performance to speak to the actors, have a look at the scenography – and even learn som magic tricks!
Til Fyret
“Til fyret contains a number of beautiful and memorable scenes, and these are the ones that probably will shine in my conciousness as golden moments in the future.” www.scenekunst.no
At Live Art for Børn 3 we showed Klassikere for Kids version of Vigina Wolf’s “To the Lighthouse”, a theatre performance about loss, about the fact that we all have an inner world which is ours only, and about the important moments that make time stop. It is the story of the boy James, who spends the summer with his parents in their summer house. James wants to go to the lighthouse, a tower standing far out in the bay. “If the weather’s fine”, his mother says. In her opinion, children must hope, or else they will just become grown ups. “It won’t be nice”, his father says. He has listened to the weather forecast and sees it as his duty to liberate his son by telling him the truth.

Artist’s Statement
“With the Klassikere for kids trilogy, I try to create complex, challenging and visually stunning performances. I work with a physical and visual language where the audience must piece together the impressions into their own history. In Klassikere for kids I want the text to serve as a poetic reading key for more abstract and somewhat complicated images. My goal is to create performances that appeal to both adults and children. I create performances that I am proud to show my son”. – Hildur Kristinsdottir
Check out the project’s website here.