CoreAct (DK)


Works for Live Art Danmark
2010 “Undgåelsens bevægelighed”, Samtalekøkken

Undgåelsens bevægelighed/Reflections
“Reflection” is a poetic performance installation in the urban space. It is also a colorful sculpture, lighting up public places. As a poetic interpretation it addresses the issue of daily choices or lack thereof, and their consequences to our common future. The colorful glasshouse is inhabited by two performers who portray everyday dilemmas and lifestyle paradoxes in a subtle manner. They have lost the ability to meaningfully discriminate, and are trapped in a long chain of procrastination, mirroring our current social patterns.

The colorful glasshouse sculpture was created by internationally renowned sculptor Tom Fruin from New York who is known to work with collected materials, such as “drug bags”.

Torben Sangild, theatre critic for the Danish daily paper Politiken, reviewed CoreAct’s piece “Undgåelsens bevægelighed” (“The Mobility of Avoidance”) at Samtalekøkken in October 2010.

About the Artists
CoreAct is a performance duo formed by Anika Barkan and Helene Kvint. Their projects use positive disturbances and mobile scenography in public and private space, as means to engage people and collect personal stories. These personal stories become  material for their productions. Anika Barkan and Helene Kvint create an aesthetic and artistic interpretation of collected documentary material and provide the audience with experiences of closeness and empathy. Such experiences have proven to be of great value for a variety of institutions such as theaters, public spaces, nursing homes, prisons, libraries and more.

CoreAct was founded in 2006 by Anika Barkan and Helene Kvint, with their first collaboration dating back to 1991. They share an interest in facilitating interdisciplinary international collaborations focused on socially engaging projects.

More about CoreAct on the company website.

About liveart_dk was founded in 2004 in Copenhagen to promote the discussion, documentation and development of live art in Denmark. The organisation is equally inspired by the imaginative and entertaining English Live Art tradition as by the theoretical and political German theatre tradition. We have organised 10 large international festivals of Live Art for kids and adults since 2004, and over 40 discussion events, books, video series, symposia and more in the field of live art, performance art, art criticism and documentation. We collaborate with theatres, music venues, art museums and festivals in Denmark and internationally.