Mary Paterson

Works for Live Art Danmark
2011 Presentation of “Open Dialogues” at Samtalekøkken
2014 „Critics & Cocktails‟ and NOTA performance

Open Dialogues
Writers, critics and directors Mary Paterson and Rachel Louis Clapham jointly founded the writing collaboration „Open Dialogues – critical writing on and as performance‟, which produces writing on and as performance. Mary was our guest for the first time in February 2011, when she presented their work and general approach to performance art and writing at Samtalekøkken.

Critics & Cocktails
In 2014 we invited Mary back to Copenhagen for a residency. During her time here, she curated the „Critics & Cocktails‟ symposium at Overgaden Institut for Samtidskunst. We have a dedicated page for this event, you can read more about it here.

Photo: Gert van der Pumperlei

Photo: Gert van der Pumperlei

During her resideny, Mary also performed the Open Dialogues format NOTA, where she takes notes and stamps them while a performance is in progress. You can find a detailed description of the background of this project here.

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About the Artist
Mary Paterson is a a writer, artist and producer who works across text, performance and visual art. She publishes widely on art and politics, with a particular specialism in the relations between writing and the live. Significant publications include Imagination and Potential (LADA: London, 2017), Joshua Sofaer: Performance | Object | Participation (Intellect 2020, co-edited with Roberta Mock) and the forthcoming title Thresholds: Experiments in Live Art and Writing in the 21st Century (Intellect 2022, co-edited with Diana Damian Martin).

Read about Mary’s more recent projects on her website. The blog from Open Dialogues is still online, but there does not seem to be much activity there any more.

Om liveart_dk was founded in 2004 in Copenhagen to promote the discussion, documentation and development of live art in Denmark. The organisation is equally inspired by the imaginative and entertaining English Live Art tradition as by the theoretical and political German theatre tradition. We have organised 10 large international festivals of Live Art for kids and adults since 2004, and over 40 discussion events, books, video series, symposia and more in the field of live art, performance art, art criticism and documentation. We collaborate with theatres, music venues, art museums and festivals in Denmark and internationally.