Rainham Sheds
Works for Live Art Danmark
2014 Concert at Hitparaden 2
Rainham Sheds
The Rainham Sheds (not to be confused with these Rainham Sheds), at that time consisting of Kate Mahony, Jenna Finch and Rachel Dowle, played a radical set of post punk songs at our second Hitparaden festival. The band members also presented individual performances and played in the backing band for the fantastic “Disabled Avantgarde”
Rainham Sheds
The Rainham Sheds are a Post-punk all female maximum art-core, art-school group. They sing about theorists, Art Stars, shit jobs, mega-banter, sex with furniture and reminding themselves that he’s not her dad.
Listen to the Rainham Sheds on Soundcloud. And here‘s their website.