
Here you will find books and articles written by us or our network. All articles express the positions of their authors which are not neccesarily shared by Live Art Danmark.

Friis, Ellen und Vestergaard, Henrik: Dagbog fra Færøerne (Bastard 2021)

Dagbog Færøerne

Various writers: Collaborating with kids (Iscene 2019)


Friis, Ellen und Vestergaard, Henrik: Kinder Können Kunst (KIKS Verlag 2018)

Kinder können Kunst

Mette Garfield: I dialog med træerne (from Bastard Blog):

mette garfield Johannes Zits Dialoguing With Trees i H

Friis, Ellen and Vestergaard, Henrik: Børnekunst 2018 (Forlaget Gruppepress)


Overgaard Hansen, Kamma. BØRNEPENGE (Children’s Money. On Trade as Network-Building Activity, Kultur & Klasse Nr. 124: Handel, 2017. Danish, includes English abstract.

Broch-Lips, Henrik: Live Art for Børn 2016 (together with Nordjyske Stiftidende)


Friis, Ellen og Vestergaard, Henrik: Live Art for Børn 2015 (Forlaget Gruppepress together with ARKEN)


Friis, Ellen. Six Saints, 2008-2013. Copenhagen: Forlaget Gruppe Press, 2014. Six Saints 2008-2013 is a series of six performative works inspired by six Danish researchers, scientists and thinkers, who investigated matters of light, energy and time. Detailed project description. English.


Vestergaard, Henrik. Zonkel’s Kanon. Kopenhagen, Forlaget Gruppe Press, 2014. From 2002 to 2012, Zarathustras Onkel – Zonkel  – was Henrik Vestergaards Alter Ego and performance group. In 2006, Zonkel began a performative investigation of the official Danish cultural canon for the  performing arts, in the course of which he reconstructed the canonized. works. Detailed project description. English.


Harder Bak, Henrik, Hg. Live Art Danmark. Live Art for Børn. Pop up besøg. Forlaget Gruppe Press, 2014

Friis, Ellen and Vestergaard, Henrik, Hg. Berliner Luft. Sure opstød fra de nedre regioner. Kopenhagen, Forlaget Gruppe Press, 2009. Contains: Vestergaard, Henrik. Berlin: Midt mellem Giessen og København.An inquiry into experimental theatre and performance art from Berlin 2004 to 2009.


Vestergaard Pedersen, Henrik, Hg. Performance Positioner Mellem BilledTeater og PerformanceKunst. Gråsten: Drama, 2001. The anthology deals with different theories; from recycling and new energies over equal dramaturgy to deconstructive and pragmatic philosophy. It adds a few chapters to Danish performance and theater history and has representatives from the performing and the theoretical theater environment. The anthology spans from soft poetic writing to delicate fragmented texts. With contributions by Kirsten Dehlholm, Gritt Uldall-Jessen, Steen Madsen, Niels Lehmann and Knut Ove Arntzen. English.